Pelham police have located and identified the driver of a white van involved in a hit-and-run on Mammoth Road Tuesday morning. A 53-year-old woman was seriously injured in the crash near Muldoon Park just after 7am. Pelham Police said when they arrived at the scene, the woman was sitting on the northbound side of the road and the vehicle that hit her had already left. He received life-threatening injuries and is being treated in the hospital. >> Download the free WMUR app for updates on the go: Apple | Google Play< Әйелдің соққыға жығылғанға дейін неліктен сонда болғаны белгісіз, бірақ көршілерінің бірі WMUR-ке бұл аймақ адамдар серуендеп, жүгіретін танымал орын екенін айтты. >> Watch raw video from the scene:
Pelham police have located and identified the driver of a white van involved in a hit-and-run on Mammoth Road Tuesday morning.
A 53-year-old woman was seriously injured in the crash near Muldoon Park just after 7am.
When Pelham police arrived at the scene, they said the woman was sitting on the northbound side of the road and the vehicle that hit her had already left.
The woman was taken to Lahey Hospital in Burlington, Massachusetts for serious but non-life threatening injuries and is currently being treated at the hospital.
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It’s unclear why the woman was there before she was hit, but one neighbor told WMUR that the area is a popular place for people to walk and run.
>> Watch raw video from the scene: